Saturday, September 30, 2023

Strong people.

Why is it said that strong people don't put others down? Why is it that they lift others up? Why is they are strong in this way?

You see, if you are strong you are ready to accept challenges and challengers. You are not afraid to face difficulties. The strong know that by their strength they can teach others and thereby learn more. By learning more they can advance themselves. 

Certainly by strong you learn more from difficulties. You learn more than your subordinates. You can't be in the same position that you are in eternally. You will have to leave someday. Then other people will take your place.

In summary, strong people are fearless and humble. They are willing to teach others and make them better than they are. Strong people can move on upwards and onwards.

Why must prices increase when supply is short?

In the study of micro economics, we are taught that when supply to of  goods is short prices of those goods increase. The question is why is there a price increase?

As I pondered about the increase in prices I couldn't find an observable and valid reason. Until I realised that the true reason is pure GREED. Since the supply is short but the demand is high, why not extort consumers into paying high prices until there is an abundant supply and prices can be lowered. In monopolistic competition where there is more than one supplier or manufacturer, the tendency to lower prices when abundant supply arrives will be that each manufacturer or supplier will be compelled to lower prices because their rivals will lower their prices to sell more of their products.

The supply of goods can face shortfalls in supply to many reasons. There could be strikes which cut production. There can be trade embargoes that cause shortages of goods. Thus suppliers can hike prices to earn excessive profits from shortfalls in supply. 

In conclusion, the reason for price increases when there is a shortfall in supply is pure greed. When suppliers want to maximise profits a shortage of supply is god send to them. But this will bring misery to consumers. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

You sometimes have to be alone at night.

Do any of you like to write at night? I do actually. I find the silence of the night to be conducive for writing. It is not just the physical silence but the internal silence in the mind. There is no physical noise to disrupt my thoughts. Hence, I can keep my mind silent. Well not completely silent. The mind is never still, There are always thoughts but the silence allows you to think properly. 

When I am writing at night and I am online simultaneously, I feel connected to the world. it is also allows me to conduct research and check my spelling, grammar, aid my paraphrasing and look for synonyms, etc. My imagination grows like a tree at night. The trunk is the thought, the main branches are the ideas that sprout from it and the leaves are the product of the process of writing. 

Writing is a process that ends up with a product. It begins with brainstorming for ideas, then writing the drafts, error checking, fact checking and looking up for more ideas. It involves listing any pros and cons, how to make something better and thinking critically and getting creative with the language. One must twist and turn with the language and finally proof reading the final product. So, we begin as a process and end up with a product.

Ideas can come to the mind like a brilliant comet streaking through the network of your brain cells and you capture it, nurture it and use it. Ideas usually come from your extensive reading. But sometimes it is out of an epiphany but the words you use to constitute to the writing comes from reading because you must know what words to use and ideas behind the writing content. If you meditate to the universe and converse with it, you will get responses from it. The universe cooperates with you, inspires you, calms you and empowers you. You can benefit from its help.

If you look at product writing, it is merely copying an example and writing emulating what has already been written. There is no process where you can learn, make mistakes you can learn from (mistakes are great teachers) and the joy of producing a genuine product. If you are going to emulate someone's writing, you can just use it as an example and then emulate them so that you get used to writing. But then you must explore different writing styles and transition to process writing. I should think that product writing is for beginners. 

In conclusion, writing at night can be conducive. The silence and lack of disturbance allows you write easily. The universe will be your friend. You must write as a process and not as a product.

Being a Blogger.

This is not like my other posts on Blogger. Those other posts are essays in thinking skills and poems. These are my thoughts in becoming a blogger. Why do I want to blog? What are the benefits? Does it bring me satisfaction? What inspires me to do so?

I want to blog because I can teach writing skills, especially academic writing skills, for a living. The more one writes the better one becomes at writing. Writing is a skill that one is not born with, unless in your previous life you were a writer and those thoughts and impressions are imprinted in you. You become a writer by practicing writing, learning the various styles of writing and practice grammar. You also have to read lots. When you read extensively you will have ideas to write. I also want to express myself through my poems and writings. Reading extensively is important because you can see the different usages of vocabulary and how to express ideas. Writing helps to lay the foundations of thinking critically and creatively. Bonus points really. I can then teach and train people in critical and creative thinking. At time I wanted to say that I want to write because I am lousy writer. But that is being hard on myself. When you love yourself you are kind to yourself in a subtle way, You realize what are your talents, what you lack, what you can learn, what you can avoid and what you must shed. Then you go on a journey of self-discovery and learning. 

I think that the benefits of blogging for me are firstly, it allows me to vent my feelings, especially in my poems. It makes me better at writing as I have already mentioned above -  no need for repetition. Secondly, it brings me the satisfaction when my writings are read by people the world over. I glean through the graphs under stats on blogger to see how many people from all over the world who are reading what I write. I feel that I am a part of a community. I am not alone like a lonely tree under the stars with the lights of inspiration benignly beaming on me. Comforting me. Inspiring me. Goading me. Screaming at me.

Indeed, writing does bring me tremendous satisfaction for all the above reasons. I am a part of something global and I am helping people in some subtle way.

The inspiration to write stems from wanting to express myself. To voice out my feelings to the world. To teach, inspire, motivate and remind people of the important things in life. Life today is precarious and hard for many. Exams are tough on students, salaries get cut, new technology comes and there is change for the better or worse and so I want to help people. Whenever I get comments, no matter if they are positive or the converse, I find inspiration in them. I think of myself as a lonely tree in the night. My thoughts are the branches and the leaves are the expressions of my thoughts. (Look at the picture).

In summary, I love to blog because it enables me to improve my writing skills which I can use to teach writing. It allows me to express my thoughts and feelings. It gives me the satisfaction of getting people from all around the world to come to read my writings and simply enjoy writing something. So, these are my thoughts. Please comment.

The Mysterious Corridor ~ A Poem.


The mysterious corridor leads to a chamber

Strangely lit over a mysterious object

Seated on a pedestal 

Floors light on both sides

With candles lit in lamps

Strange carvings on the walls

Incomprehensible meanings, the carvings

Lamps aglow from the ceiling

No matter how bright the candles

Yet dark unfathomable gloomy

The aura of the corridor is scary

Yet it invites exploration

Like a siren, it beckons

It beckons to see what is on the pedestal

Seated like a lord with stairs leading to it

Come, come hither brave visitor

It seems to hail

Hearty brave visitor come hither

Dare you enter such a corridor I ask

Cosmic Dreamer ~ A Poem.


Travelling faster than the speed of light

Never mind the speed of sound

Nothing can beat the speed of thought

The mind is an incredible machine

Its driver, the soul within

Who flies through the cosmos

Cosmic Dreamer, speed machine

Into the void the dreamer flies

Past the solar system

Beyond the galaxies

Past mad meteors

Avoiding screaming asteroids

Dodging blazing comets

Into black holes  and out those sink holes

Beyond the realm of dreams 

Cosmic Dreamer, flying machine

The soul is the flyer of cosmic dreams

Valuable Traits for Being a Good Critical Thinker.


In order to be a good critical thinker, one must possess certain intellectual traits. Critical thinking rests upon certain qualities that produce good critical thinking. The following intellectual traits or qualities are necessary :

1. Intellectual Humility: this means knowing one's limit of knowledge. One does not claim to know more than what knows. It also includes being aware and sensitive to one's inherent egocentrism which if not checked can lead one to behave self-deceptively by thinking that one knows everything. Intellectual humility includes the qualities of being sensitive to bias, prejudice and limitations of one's knowledge. Being intellectually humble does not mean that one is weak and submissive to opposite viewpoints. On the contrary, it means lacking boastfulness, pretentiousness and conceit. This also includes insight into the logical foundations, or lack of logical foundations, of one's own belief.

2. Intellectual Courage: this means being conscious of the need to face, address ideas, deliberate ideas, beliefs and viewpoints which one considers dangerous or absurd. This courage is connected to the idea that sometimes we are faced with ideas and beliefs that might at least seem absurd or dangerous. This is because we could at such a moment, when facing some idea that we deem as silly or dangerous, and such conclusions could be false and misleading. Sometimes an idea which on the face of it might seem bad, absurd or dangerous, but are sometimes rationally justified. In order to decide properly and which is which, it is not that one is passively and uncritically going accept what was learnt. Intellectual courage enables one to see some truth in seemingly absurd and dangerous ideas and the distortion or falsity that are held by society.

3. Intellectual Empathy: this means the ability to put oneself in another's shoes or position in order to understand the other side genuinely. This requires one to be conscious of any egocentricity to identify truth with ones own immediate perceptions of long standing thought and belief. This quality correlates with the ability to reconstruct with precision another's viewpoints and reasoning and to reason from the premises, assumptions and ideas other than one's own. This trait correlates with the ability to precisely reconstruct the viewpoints and reasoning of others and to reason from premises, assumptions, and ideas of other people. This quality also correlates with the consciousness that one was wrong in the past even if one is deeply convinced that one was right. One is able to visualise being deceived in a similar circumstance.

4. Intellectual Autonomy: this means that one thinks autonomously  with rationality. One has control over one's feelings, beliefs, values, and inferences. Critical thinking prescribes the ideal of leaning to think on one's own and for oneself, to gain command over one's thought processes. This trait correlates with committed analysing and evaluating beliefs and values and ideas on the basis of reason and evidence, the questioning whenever it is rational to question or right to question, believe what is rational to believe, and to conform when it is rational to conform.

5. Intellectual Integrity: this means to recognise the need to be true one's own thinking; to be consistent in the intellectual standards that one applies; to hold one's self to the same rigorous standards of evidence and proof to which one hold's one's opponents or antagonists; to practise what one advocates for others; and to honestly admit discrepancies and inconsistencies in one's own thought and action.

6. Intellectual Perseverance: this is the consciousness of the need for one to use intellectual insights and truths in the face of difficulties, obstacles, encumberments, and frustrations. It includes form adherence to principles of rationality despite any irrational opposition from others; a sense of of the need to struggle with confusion and unsettled questions over an extended span of time in the pursuit of achieving deeper understanding or insight.

7. Confidence in Reason: this is the confidence in knowing that in the long term, one's own higher interests and those of mankind at large will be best served by allowing free-play to reason, encouraging people to arrive at their own conclusions by developing their own rational faculties; faith that with proper guidance and encouragement , people can learn to think for themselves, to form rational viewpoints, draw reasonable conclusions, think coherently and logically, persuade others reasoning, become reasonable persons while in the face of deep-seated encumberments in the native character of mind and society.

8. Fairmindedness: this is to treat all viewpoints alike. This is performed without reference to one's own viewpoints, feelings or vested interests or the vested interests of friends, community, or country. It correlates and implies the explicit adherence to high intellectual standards without any reference to any personal advantage or to the advantage of one's own group.

Emotional Intelligence.


We all have different personalities, we have different characters, wants, needs, ideas, preferences, ambitions and perceptions of people, ideas, objects and concepts. In order to navigate without friction and causing hurt and offence, we need to have the wisdom and techniques in order to this. Human beings are emotional beings and emotions can be stimulated to have happiness, contentment or anger and resentment. The plethora of emotions being many. Therefore, what is that we need to have in order to accomplish the task of dealing with people without generating negative feelings but instead feelings of gladness and contentment? Hence, the knowledge of emotional intelligence gives us the ability to negotiate our way through the maze of human thought and emotions with tact, patience and skill which will lead us to understanding ourselves and other people.

    Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to recognize our emotions, understand what they are telling us, and realize how our emotions affect the people around us and their emotions. Emotional intelligence also involves our perceptions of others: when we understand how they feel, it allows us to manage relationships more effectively. 

   Emotional intelligence begins with ourselves when we recognize and understand our emotions and what they tell ,us and then realize the impact that they have on other people. By having emotional intelligence. What is that emotional intelligence brings to us? When we have emotional intelligence we will be successful in dealing with people. 

    When someone has emotional intelligence, they will be successful in everything they do. This being so because they know how to address their emotions, wants and desires with the emotions, wants and desires of others. They know how to be patient and listen actively to people and this is then reciprocated by the people with whom they deal with. People with emotional intelligence foster feelings of happiness and feeling good about themselves. Such people always get help, get things done through others, get assistance and cooperation and all these without upsetting other people.

    There are six characteristics of emotional intelligence. 

  1. Self-Awareness: When someone has emotional intelligence, they aware of their emotions and are in full of them. They do not display emotional outbursts, but instead remain calm and confident. They have trust in their intuition. Such people are humble enough to take a close look at themselves. They are cognizant of their strengths and weaknesses, and they can work on these areas so they can perform better. Self-awareness is held to be the most integral component of emotional intelligence.
  2. Self-Regulation: Emotionally intelligent people able to control their emotions and impulses by means of self-regulation. They do not allow feeling of anger, jealousy or bitterness to take hold of them. They do not make impulsive thoughtless careless decisions. These are people characterized by thinking before they act. By being self-regulatory they are thoughtful, comfortable with change, possess integrity and the ability to say no.
  3. Self-Motivation: Self-motivation means that one motivates oneself rather than having others motiving them. There is an internal drive to succeed, achieve, produce, develop, grow and keep advancing. These people do not quit when difficulties arise. They seek opportunities to move forward.  Such people willingly defer immediate success for long term gains. Self-motivating people are always optimistic, love challenges, and are effective in everything they do.
  4. Empathy: Emotional intelligence requires empathy. Empathy is the ability to identify with and understand the wants, needs, and viewpoints of those around us. People who are empathetic are good at recognizing other people' feelings, even if those feelings are not obvious. A person who has empathy is usually good at managing relationships, listening, and relating to others. A person with empathy avoids prejudging people, eschews stereotyping people. They lead open and honest lives.
  5. Social Skills: People who are emotionally intelligent are amiable and easy to talk to. They are team players. They pay focus on their success first and then help others to develop and shine. They have the ability to manage disputes, are master communicators, and are expert at building and maintaining relationships. 
It can be clearly seen so far that emotional intelligence can be a key to success in life and career. It is all about the being able to manage people and relationships which are key to success in leadership.

The question now is how do we improve on our emotional intelligence.

  1. Paying attention to how we react towards people. We must ask if we rush into making judgements about people before knowing all the facts? Do we stereotype people? We must look honestly at how we think and interact with other people. We should put ourselves in their place. We must be more open and accepting of the perspectives of others and their needs;
  2. Looking at our work environment. Do we seek attention for the things we do? Are we humble enough to say only what we know and what we did and remain quietly confident about it? Do we give others a chance to shine? Do we put focus on them and not worry too much about getting praise ourselves?;
  3. Do a self-evaluation. We should see what are our weaknesses. Are we able to accept that we are imperfect and that we cannot work at becoming a better person? We need the courage and fortitude to take an honest look at ourselves. This can be life changing;
  4. Examining how we react in stressful situations. Suppose there is a delay or there is something that does not go the way we wanted or we are in a rush, do we become upset? Do we become enraged? Do we blame others or become angry at them, even if they are faultless? The ability to remain calm and in control in taxing situations then become valuable in the working world and outside it. We must keep our emotions contained when developments go wrong;
  5. Taking responsibility for our actions. Do we apologize directly when we hurt somebody's feelings? Do we ignore what we did or avoid that person? We will that people will usually forgive and forget if we make an honest attempt to make things right;
  6. Examining how our actions affect others before we take those actions. If we have a decision to make, we should put ourselves in other peoples' shoes. We must ask ourselves how will they feel if we do this? Do we want that experience? if we must take the action, how can we help others to deal with the effects?


Triumph and Defeat ~ A Poem.


Not everyone has the same journey 

Life doesn't treat everyone the same

Your fate is always in your hands

Trust yourself more than anyone else

To love yourself has a deep meaning 

Life's garden has a rhythm

Disaster and Triumph

Failure and Success

It goes in that way blind as a bat

Brickbats and Bouquets line your way

Failure is the longer road to Triumph

Every one of them has made you who you are in the present

How you perceive it heralds your future

In the Sacred Grove ~ A Poem.

There is a sacred space in my mind

It is a dark tree enveloped grove

Its leaves sparkle like fairy lights

Showing me to the path to the sacred sanctum

I am alone , introverted

I link my intellect, the faculty of deliberation

To my Lord, God most Holy

He comes to sit in front of me

From the distant abode where I was born

Bright golden red light envelopes me

Like a mystical mist, warm and comforting

I commune with the special one 

In this sacred space, in the sacred grove

The All Seeing Eye ~ A Poem

I watch in silence to all that happens

In silence, I see you

In silence, I watch you

In deep thought, I contemplate about you

I am the all seeing eye of your mind

In silence I sit and I reflect

In silence, I am in deep thought

In a misty shroud, I speak to you

What is it you seek? 

What is you want?

Is it good or not?

I am your third eye of wisdom

I sit behind your forehead

Do not eshew me

Do so at your peril

The Mystical Grove ~ A Poem.

Into the dark I walk

In deep meditation I stalk

Through the mystical Grove

The moon, the stars and the milky way

Above me they watch my steps

Sullen silence punctuated by my footsteps

Owls hoot and bats fly

In meditation this is the walk

The walk I take each dark shrouded night

In contemplation, my deepest thoughts

Of the course of my life 

Each jewel of thought

Like a salve that sooths the pain

Like a sweet that makes a smile

Through the mystical Grove I stalk

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Soul Speaks.


A poem out of an epiphany
Straight out of a soul that is snappy
A trail of thoughts in sequence
A trail of words from introspection
Long in solitude, a reflection
Each word in each sentence
A heartfelt thought from long introspection
To a faraway land the mind travels
To a distant shore the heart desires
The soul speaks through this body
Immersed in deep thought
Pondering each move
Moving to life's groove
A soul whose freedom can't be bought
The mind is a part of the soul
The body but a mere shell of atoms
I the soul can move in space and time
The body can wither and die
I the immortal soul can never die
The soul speaks from an epiphany
Silence is the embodiment of me

The Creativity Cycle.


How do we become creative? How does cognitive (or technical creativity) come about? The answer is that there are no "set in stone" rules, procedures or guidelines for creativity. There is not a set of algorithms for creativity. However, we can use a set of informal procedures for creative thinking. (Please read the earlier blog posts on creativity and creative thinking).  The informal procedures are as following:

The Creativity Cycle.

1. Research and data gathering: This is the preliminary stage of learning about the problem to be solved. When we have a problem to be solved that others have experienced; we should research to see what others have done before to resolve the same problem This prevents from "reinventing the wheel" so to speak. We do not waste time coming up with the same set of solutions that already exist to the same problem. In the case of unresolved problems, it still does not matter. Research into various existing approaches should be gathered and examined for their strengths and weaknesses. Research should seek as many approaches and solutions without worrying too much about their relevance to the problem at hand. This is because in creative thinking, we must be open to ideas from various sources. Some things that we can do are:

  • collect any relevant information from scientific or technical sources or experts.
  • study the history of the problem. That is, the origins and the course of events that the problem has taken.
  • perform case studies of the people who have dealt with similar problems.
  • give deep though to analogous situations.
  • discuss with people who are involved in the problem resolution endeavour.
2. Explore the connections between ideas. The data or information gathered from the first stage is examined in order to find connections between ideas. The ideas that have been collected or while the data or information is being collected, they must be examined and reflected upon. This is in order to develop a hierarchy of rank of importance of the different pieces information. In this way, special connections between ideas can be identified. Creativity , in essence,  is borrowing ideas from one field and applying it to another. We have to be persistent and spend extended periods of time in order to sustain a lot of different ideas in the mind, some of these ideas will be held in the background while others might enter into the unconscious thinking process.

3. Relax and wait. As stated in the previous paragraph, because of our persistence in thinking and holding many thoughts in our minds, we should pull back and divert our minds to some other issue. Ideas can come in many ways. They can come from viewing a television program, while having  shower or reading an article about an unrelated matter. It will  be very good to do something that relaxes the mind and body. We could even forget about the less important ideas so that focus can be on the more important ones. In this way the more important issues will surface to the top. Time allows for the gestation of ideas. If we cannot think of anything , then further research can be conducted.

4. Apply, review and follow-up. Once new ideas have surfaced we need to examine them in order to be sure that they can solve the problem. We can think of ways to further improve the ideas and how best to implement them. Successful solutions and the the entire creativity process should be reviewed so that we can do better later on.

The Myth of the "Right Answer".


The Myth of the "Right Answer".
Is there such thing as a right answer? An answer is dependent on the question. The type of question asked will obtain the appropriate answer. Definite answers often depend on the type of question. There are two kinds of questions that we deal with daily; scientific and social. 

Scientific questions ask about the physical world where things can be measured, sensed, calculated or predicted in some way. These questions give us answers which we can accept readily due to their  predictability and dependability in obtaining answers. Hence, questions about the dimensions of the physical world can be answered dependably and predictably. Scientific questions such as the temperature of a boiling liquid, the mineral content of an ore, the relative distance of a planet in another solar system from the earth and the pattern of brain waves, can all be obtained dependably and predictably. As stated earlier, scientific questions are based on things that can be sensed, measured, studied, observed or calculated.

This is not true of the social world. The social world is the world of human interactions. It is where the tangled Web of human behaviour manifests itself. Questions about human behaviour are not predictable and dependable. This is because human behaviour is not predictable. Thoughts are non physical unlike physical things like wood, gas, minerals and stars. Human behaviour has myriad causes and all we can do is make intelligent predictions, conjectures and guesses as tho why and when certain kinds of behaviour occurs or manifests itself. Additionally, we often want to explanations or descriptions of human behaviour, that we have a preference to know about such as the rate of inflation, the exchange rate, the rate of divorce, the frequency of forest fires, the frequency of juvenile delinquency, or the causes of divorce. As a result, we bring our preferences to discussions of those issues and resist arguments that are inconsistent with them.

Human behaviour is characterised by its controversial and complex nature. As a consequence, the best answers that we can find for human behaviour are usually probabilistic in nature. If we undertake a study on the abilities of meditation to control temper in people, or research into consumer behaviour, we can never be absolutely sure if the results are totally correct or precise or indeed reliable, and the results is true about everyone. We can never be realistically sure of the facts. We will still need a course of action to prevent ourselves from becoming a "hollow man" or a "nowhere woman". 

It is only when we open our minds to the views of others , after being aware that we could be wrong and that there are other views, and that the views we are committed to  are grounded on probability, that we will be open to the reasoning of others. We will at that time be open to persuasion by others. We must be fully cognisant and accept that we could be wrong.

It does not matter intrinsically what types of questions that will be asked, we must be aware of the kind of issues that will demand the closest scrutiny. These are issues where there is always disagreement about. Issues such as the environment, political decisions, animal rights, education polices, etc. are usually what people love to discuss. Issues such as those relating to business, engineering, law, politics etc, are parochial issues often popular to parties interested in them such as business executives, lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc. Th.ere is constant strong disagreement in such issues. There are always several positions supported by good reasons relating to the issues.

Therefore, it is only through discussion using critical thinking and critical questioning that can there be open discussion about various important issues. There are always many points of view and ideas. No answer is ever going to be the right one. Social issues cannot easily obtain dependable and predictable answers. Decisions must always be made in the face of uncertainty. There will be times when we will not have the time or the ability to discover many of the important facts about a decision we make.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A Poem for Proud Men ~ A Poem


Be happy and confident

Be content but humble before the crowd

Never frown on those with less

Not all men have what you have

Just because you have a beautiful wife,

Just because you have a big car

Just because you have a big bank account

Just because you have high academic qualifications

The sum total of you is measured by much much more

It is your true character that wins true respect

Be clever and work hard

Be a source of inspiration and help

Be not arrogant and stomp on others

The macho man is a man who is blind to one thing

It is something he cannot see but it is there

It is his downfall that he can't see

That insidious pitfall that will be his undoing

You never know what is waiting for you around the corners of life

Life is too short to be smug

Disaster can befall you at some unknown moment

Not all of us have what you have

Should you be a macho arrogant asshole

Wait, they will gloat when you fall

Another man will take your beautiful wife

The bank will take your house and car

Your academic qualifications will be worthless

Penniless, you will be the worst off

A laughing stock even for those who had less

They will jeer at you, saying they have now got more than what you have now

Never beat a woman

You were born from a woman

Not all men had the chance to make something of their lives

Some were born into poverty

Some made mistakes when they were young

Many were punished too severely for their mistakes

Many were denied opportunities to become better

The tears of the unfortunate men

Their tears are worth more than your sweat

Humility ~ A Poem.



Never look down in those who have less than you
The ground you will be buried in or the fire that burns you are the same
No one can live as happily as you
No one will have the same intelligence as you
No one will have the same talents as you
No one will have a beautiful wife as you
Look at your hand, all your fingers are not the same
Whether you believe it or not, no birth in the afterlife is the same
It will be lesser
Humility is a wise choice
You do not offend any enemy
Mind your own business
True respect is given to the humble
If not, in stealth an enemy will come when you boast

Creatively and the Mind.


What is Creativity? What is Innovation? We can define creativity as the spirit, attitude and bravery to try something new, to open to the unexpected. Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is characterised by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions. Creativity involves two processes: thinking, then producing. Creativity is the thinking process and innovation is the production process.

We can define innovation as the implementation of something new. We can further expand on its definition by describing innovation as Innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product, service or process that creates value for business, government or society.
Some people say creativity has nothing to do with innovation— that innovation is a discipline, implying that creativity is not. Well, I disagree. Creativity is also a discipline and a crucial part of the innovation equation. There is no innovation without creativity. The key metric in both creativity and innovation is value creation.

Creativity is connected to various parts of the brain. Each part provides the thinking ability needed for each type of creative thought process.

Creativity can be described as ; Deliberate and emotional, deliberate and cognitive, spontaneous and emotional and spontaneous and cognitive.

1. Deliberate and emotional creativity is related to taking control of emotions in all kinds of stressful times, including the most stressful ones. This can be such as during a relationship break-up and then as quick as a flash a sudden insight about oneself. It is an "AHA" moment. It has to do with feelings and emotions. The cingulate cortex is the part of the brain that processes complex feelings that are related to our interactions with others and our place in the world.
The cingulate cortex along with the pre-frontal cortex, which it is attached to, are active with this kind of creative activity.

In this kind of creativity, we lay aside things and allow ourselves a block of time to focus on a challenge.

2. Deliberate and cognitive creativity is requiring vast amounts of knowledge or a high degree of knowledge and lots of time.  This kind of creativity is related to working over long periods of time in a specific task or discipline. This can be such as those of the efforts of Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb. 

The PFC in the brain gives this sort of creativity. The PFC allows us to do two things: pay focused attention and make connections among information that we have stored in other parts of our brains.

3. Spontaneous and emotional creativity is the kind associated with musicians and artists. It cannot be designed for. It is a creative and powerful moment such as an epiphany, religious experience, a great artistic or musical moment. 

It comes from the amyglada in the brain. It is where emotions are processed. When the conscious brain and the PFC are resting, then it is possible spontaneous ideas and creations to take place.

4. Spontaneous and cognitive creativity requires stopping work on a task or a problem and getting away from it. It cannot be designed for. It does need a body of knowledge. 

This can be seen in cases such as that of Issac Newton who watched an apple fall from a tree and conceived the laws of gravity. It can like where one leaves a difficult task or a problem and go for a jog, a walk or for lunch and a flash of insight arrives about how to solve the problem. 

This kind of creativity involves the basal ganglia of the brain. During this kind of creativity, the conscious brain has stopped working on the problem. Hence, the unconscious brain has had a chance to work on it instead. By doing a different unrelated activity, the PFC is able to connect information in new ways via the unconscious mental processing.

Innovation has myriad definitions. It can be defined as the introduction of something new. It can be defined as a significant and positive change with not just creating an idea but also implementing it so that it creates value.

Innovation requires a lot of hard work, patience, and perseverance. Creativity is an active process and an important block for innovation. It is at the heart of innovation. 

Creativity vs Innovation

1. Creativity is the bravery to try something new. Innovation is the implementation of something new.

2. Creativity is related to imagination and innovation is related to implementation.

3.Creativity is the ability to produce and innovation is the introduction of new things.

4. Creativity is bringing into existence an idea that is new to you. Innovation is the practical application of creative ideas.

How do I say Goodbye.


How do I say goodbye to yesterday?
Gone are the days of my innocent childhood
Long gone are the days of my naive adolescence
Never again, never again, such memories
It is different when you become an adult
In a crystal ball in my mind are the memories
Memories of play, talk, and dreams
Life moulds breaks and reshapes us we grow
We shed thoughts and create new ones
Then long after we yearn for that yesterday
We think of that time for that was
How can I say goodbye to yesterday?
We keep the sweetest and bitterest of memories
They  lurk like phantoms
We only shed the bad effects and keep the good effects
But they stay just like a fuzzy haze
Like a drug-infused purple haze
In an isolated, seldom visited corner of the mind
They never really go away
It is only how you perceive them and deal with them
Dark and dank, filled with cobwebs
Sunny and sweet, filled with roses
Memories lurk in the back of our minds

The Mystical Eye ~ A Poem.

Oh All father, Oh All mother

All seeing omniscient eye

Watch my efforts to become holy

Watch my efforts to become pure

Without holiness there is no Godliness

Without purity there is no peace nor happiness

Hail to thee, God of Gods

Hail to thee, Shaman of Shamans

Hail to thee, God most holy

Hail to thee, God most mighty

Oh All father, All mother

Hail to thee, wizard of wizards

Hail to thee, magician of magicians

We are souls, travelers in time

You see from your faraway abode

The very home your children came from

You are the Druid of Druids

The Universe is in my Hand's ~ A Poem

In my mind I connect to you

Oh awesome power of the universe

You and I are one

You are my friend, my companion

A symbiotic relationship, incomprehensible

No intellectualization

Just connection

Awesome, simply awesome

The swirling never ending mass

Gas, rocks, stars, dark matter, comets

A titanic force beyond comprehension

Don't bother to understand, just realize and accept

Feel it, feel it and thrive

Coursing through my being

From me the soul into my brain

Through my body, released to the outside

Power, power beyond comprehension

In my hands, from I the soul

The universe is in my hands

A Loner's Lament.

Alone I live in a populous world

Living like a strange tree  in a crowded wood

Never is there someone who shares what I like

All alone all I have is me

No one can I call a true friend

Something that can drive me off the bend

Paradoxes I have aplenty

Others give me nothing but apathy

Loneliness is my lament

Silent tears in an out

Oh Lord Rama, you have returned to Ayodhaya.

  Lord, My Lord, you confidently stride I too want to stride like a lord Confident of your victory over the overthrowers Manly, confident st...